Frequently Asked Questions

Got any questions?

The answers to your doubts

How long does it take to receive my product?

From the moment you place your order, we start working on delivering it to you in the shortest possible time; but please be aware that these products are manufactured from scratch, and production times may vary. Expect your product to ship within 7-14 days from the day of the order (including production times); delivery times will vary also depending on the country of destination.

Where is my product shipping from?

The product is manufactured in Italy and shipped from one of our two locations, depending on where it's headed. Our locations are Italy and Canada.

How much does shipping cost?

We do our best to keep shipping free for most countries. At the moment, shipping is free for Canada, United States, and Italy. We are working to make shipping free worldwide, but some countries require very expensive shipping costs tha we can't fully cover.

Can I personalize my product?

You sure can! Each product can be customized with your name or anything that can be written. We use lettering tools that are hammered onto the leather to recreate text. Customization is entirely FREE! If you need a custom product from scratch, then get in contact with us at and we can try to accomodate your request.

Are your products really made in Italy?

Absolutely! The leather comes from Tuscany and the final product is manufactured in South Italy, where we are originally from. Everything is 100% MADE IN ITALY!